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The New Stuff

Authentic waist training corsets vs. Fashion corsets

Everyday life is full of choices. Cereal or cooked breakfast? Walk to college or get the bus? Check your work emails, or have a sneaky peak at your Facebook feed? Some of these quandaries are easy to answer and don’t take more than a few seconds to act on, but when you’re faced with something a little trickier to figure out, it can be hard to fully assess the whole picture. So if you’ve been looking into authentic waist training corsets, and you’re still weighing up whether to buy a quality-made garment, or opt for something a little cheaper, we’ve put together this little guide to help you suss out the pros and cons.

So, what exactly is the difference between authentic waist training corsets and fashion corsets? Let’s break it down…
authentic waist training corsets

Authentic waist training corsets

When you put a quality waist training corset next to a cheaper corset, you’ll quickly see where the attention to detail has gone. Authentic waist training corsets are packed full of features which work hard to cinch in your waist and – if you’re willing to put in the groundwork – to change your shape permanently. Authentic waist training corsets –

•    Have a mix of flat and spiral steel bones throughout the corset
•    Are much heavier than cheaper corsets
•    Are made from quality non-stretch materials
•    Have super-strong corset cord and a strong metal front busk
•    Are much more expensive than fashion corsets

Fashion corsets

At the opposite end of the spectrum there are fashion corsets. And while we’re not completely anti them, they certainly aren’t able to offer the same level of support as authentic waist training corsets. A fashion corset –

•    Is much less expensive
•    Will have plastic boning or only a few flat steel bones
•    Will be much lighter than a quality corset
•    Could be made from stretchy material
•    Won’t be able to cinch your waist in like a quality waist training corset can
•    is cheaper, will come in a whole range of styles, and can be great for a night out

Fashion corsets are like the fast food version of corsetry. They can’t offer you much in the way of supporting your figure and helping you create those killer curves, and they certainly won’t last as long as authentic waist training corsets do, but they are cheap and cheerful corsets that can work for a night out. As long as you don’t want them to work hard for you and shape your figure, and you want it for a one-off occasion, then you may well be happy with a fashion corset.

Your decision
If you’ve made up your mind and decided it’s got to be authentic waist training corsets or nothing, then make sure you look out for a few things before you buy…

1.    The price tag – don’t be swayed by a cheap deal because you’ll invariably be compromising on quality
2.    Check how many steel flat and spiral bones it has – the more the better

You should also make sure you know what you’ll be wearing your corset for. If, for instance, you’ll be using it to train your waist permanently you’ll need a corset that’s as comfortable as possible. Generally, the shorter the corset, the more comfortable it will be because it will be covering less of your torso – so underbust waist training corset would be your best bet. If you’re just planning on wearing your corset on special occasions, the style is up to you – overbust, underbust, corsets with mini shrug-style jackets, and skirted corsets are all pretty hard to resist.

We hope this little guide has helped you make up your mind as to which corset is the right one for you. But basically, if you’re looking to make an investment purchase on a corset that will be with you for years as opposed to months, save up and spend your cash wisely on one of the amazing authentic waist training corsets out there. Yes, you’ll be spending more at the outset but these corsets are built to last and the support they give your body is far better than any cheap corset could ever dream of.


How to make sure you’re buying the best steel boned training corset

How to make sure you’re buying the best steel boned training corset

If you’ve decided to treat yourself to a steel boned training corset, making sure you’re buying a quality item is going to be at the top of your priorities list. With plenty of corsets on the market, and with prices starting with a pocket money price tag, it can often be hard to decipher what corsets are worth parting with a little extra cash for. So, to help ensure you make an informed decision when it comes to buying your dream corset.

It’s what’s on the inside that counts

For a quality steel boned training corset, it’s all about what’s on the inside that counts. So you may have found a corset with seriously gorgeous fabric, but if it’s got cheap boning underneath it’s not going to make the grade. Make sure you know what boning your corset has – especially if you want to see results with your waist training. A standard corset with steel boning will feature around 12 flat steel bones whereas a waist training corset could have anything around the 16-24 mark – and those will usually be a mix of spiral and flat steel bones.

steel boned corset waist training

How to tell your corset is top quality

It doesn’t matter if you’re a corset novice, these simple things to look out for will help you check that your corset is the real deal.

How heavy it is

Lots of cheaper corsets have plastic boning so they’re considerably lighter than quality steel boned training corsets. So, a top quality piece of corsetry is going to feel quite hefty when you pick it up and give it a good feel. But feel away because it’s the best way to find out if your corset is going to do what you want it to do – which is – mold to your figure and train that waist into shape!

Check the seams

As with all good quality fashion, you can tell a lot by the seams. And when a piece of fashion has to withstand some serious tension, the seams need to be good and strong. So have a good look over your steel boned training corset and check that those seams are there to stay. Bad stitching and small seam allowances are a surefire sign of bad craftsmanship.

Does it mold to your body?Even if you’re still unsure as to whether you’re holding a corset that’s at the top of the class, or one that’s going to fail to make the grade, you can tell even more by trying your corset on. A steel boned training corset will feel heavier and more constricting – as those steel bones will be doing a proper job unlike their plastic counterparts. What’s more, steel bones have the ability to mold to your body shape whereas plastic bones don’t. Just imagine a metal pipe cleaner and (if they existed) a plastic pipe one. The metal one can bend, the plastic one will snap.

Check the fabric

Lastly, it’s a good idea to check over the fabric of your corset. You’re basically on the lookout for non-stretchy material – something like cotton for instance. That’s because your steel boned corset waist training  is all about staying put, keeping you sucked in and contained. What’s the point of wrapping up all that corset technology in a stretchy fabric when it’s kind of defeating the purpose?

Money talks

There’s no denying it, we all love a deal – but sometimes it’s worth spending a little extra if you know you’ll be getting your money’s worth. A corset that costs pennies isn’t going to do what you want it to do. Ok, so you may get one night’s wear out of a cheap corset but it certainly won’t cinch you in to create those killer curves that superior corsets do. Spend your money wisely and you’ll have a corset that’s with you for the long haul.

Corsets on your Wedding Day

How GORGEOUS is that!If your wedding day is near, we have some absolutely necessary, ‘can’t do without’ advice. I know the most important thing on your wedding day is love, and family, and joy; but let’s face it ladies, those are not the things that drive us crazy for months before D-Day. To have that perfect dress and to look our very perfect best is what we definitely want on the most special day of our lives.

underbust corset

Some of you may want to wear a gorgeous corset like this one and team it with a full skirt to add a dramatic twist to your wedding wear; that’s an awesome idea! But if you want your pick of a wedding dress and want to wear a figure flattering corset under your wedding dress, this blog here is for you.

First of all, why should you go for a corset underneath your dress?
  •     It gives you just the right dips and curves to flaunt a fantabulous figure in your gown.
  •     You get to cheat on your diet, and hide those stubborn bulges all tucked in, in your corset.
  •     You get that ladylike posture and elegant stature that your mum always talked about.

Things you should keep in mind if you opt for a corset under your wedding dress:
  1. Choose your corset type according to your wedding dress. If you have a particularly low cut dress then you should opt for an underbust corset; a deep sweetheart corset will work as well. Just make sure it doesn’t peek out of your gown.
  2. A full steel boned corset comes highly recommended for good waist cinching and an hourglass figure.
  3. While a white corset is the best option under a wedding gown, you can choose black or nude as well. Go in for a plain corset with no frills or designs to ensure that they don’t show under the gown.
  4. Make sure you wear your corset when you are trying out your dresses and for ALL your fittings.This is an absolute must if you are to get that perfect silhouette.
  5. Remember, corsets usually have a breaking in period. Though a good quality corset should not make you uncomfortable, it is best you get used to wearing a corset much before the wedding day. A tip here: You could get yourself some gorgeous corsets to wear for your hen night and bridal showers! You will look absolutely ravishing, and you get corset trained as well!
PS: Instead of going on crash diets that starve you, you should try a corset diet. More details on that in this blog.
So before you go shopping for that wedding dress, or hunting for that perfect diet – think Corsets!

To know more visit this: Click Here

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